ever eat this? my friend brought it back for me from Taiwan,
i wonder where can i find this in Malaysia? anyone know?
Well, what are those "black marbles? its actually eggs which
they boiled in some home-made sauce and blow it dry by fan.
This processes are repeat for at least 7 days until the eggs
become hard and as dark as the sauce! so they named it
"steel egg"..hehe...what a name..
This food has it own history..who created it?
u will know if u can read the chinese words below.. =P
Explanation in chinese:
另外一种说法,则是原由一名经营早餐店与兼卖鹵蛋的杨碧云女士,有一次,杨女士无意将蛋卤的过久,蛋就变成了越来越硬、越来越黑,且又黑又硬的鹵蛋,品尝起来的味道是非常美味的,之后,杨女士就将此蛋称为“铁蛋”。杨女士原想将此美食取名为“元祖铁蛋”,但是有一家专门在贩售麻糬的“元祖食品”连锁店,为了不与元祖同名而侵犯专利权,因此,杨女士就将这种铁蛋称之为“阿婆铁蛋” 。