i went to Genting Highland with few ofmy friends..it was a nice trip though itwas just 2 days since i enjoy cold weatherso much..and as usual,we took pictures butjust choose some "presentable" one to postit online..haha..
Bell and me
me and Jeff(i dropped my Loius Vuitton card
holder here after took this pic..
i realised that after half hour
and quickly rush back to here..
luckily i managed to find it back!
such a fatal incident if i lost it!
all of my important things will be
gone at once!)
I met Mickey in Safari Club..
long time never see her ald..
miss her so much..she changed her
fringe's color again!
once in a week if not mistaken..hah..
dizzy look after couple glass of drinks..
Jeff,me,Bell and Joyce..
(i love the background!)